Contact Us

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Alternatively, to contact Laura directly please call : +44 (0) 7849108956


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Who we are

Laura Campion is a new and exciting UK based Fashion Print Design Studio.

What we do

Laura and her team of designers create original and exclusive digital textile designs which reflect key trends and movements within the fashion and lifestyle industries. 

Our design process

Each design is created by hand through a variety of media such as drawing, painting, mark making, collage, and photography. 

The artwork is then scanned in at a high resolution, coloured, repositioned and transformed into a beautifully designed digital textile print. 

To allow the client to see the potential of the design we present the artwork on silk samples. When purchased, the client receives the sample accompanied with a high resolution layered digital file.

Our Collection

The collection is available to view by appointment in the UK, and Laura Campion is also represented by agents worldwide. 

To make an appointment or to discuss further, please contact Laura directly;

Follow us

To keep up to date with our latest influences, inspirations and additions to our collection please follow us.

London | Brazil | Japan | New York | Los Angeles